And make no mistake: the only things that have changed since Ballmer last made eyes at Yahoo is the passage of time and the fact that the Sunnyvale, Calif., company has a new chief executive. 而且显而易见的是:从鲍尔默上次看好雅虎以来仅有的变化就是时间的流逝和雅虎迎来了一位新的CEO。
Failure to make such a plan will lead to the mistake of hesitating and allowing oneself to be tied down, which in fact serves the enemy's strategic objects and reduces one to a passive position. 不这样做,就会弄出迟疑坐困的错误,实际上适合了敌人的战略要求,陷自己于被动地位。
Put forward the model and extreme of the suitable proportion principle: the situation that the age is represented by mistake in the personal contract of insurance, at this moment, the content of representation is simple in fact; 提出适用比例原则之典型与极端:人身保险合同中年龄误告的情形,此时,不实告知内容单纯,促使损害发生原则无需登台,以日臻成熟的保险精算为前提的比例原则一统天下;
The mistake of expectant possibility includes not only mistake of law, but also mistake of fact. 期待可能性错误既包括法律错误,也包括事实错误,是一种独立的错误类型。
The mistake understanding of the deficient understanding of obscene character is a fact mistake and hindering on purpose, that does not form the crime of the obscene goods. 欠缺淫秽性认识的认识错误属于事实错误,阻却故意,不构成淫秽物品犯罪。
About the mistake of anticipated possibility, the author thinks there are four types such as passive mistake of fact, passive mistake of law, positive mistake of fact, positive mistake of law, and so on. 在期待可能性之错误上文章将之分为四种,一是积极的事实错误,二是积极的法律错误,三是消极的事实错误,四是消极的法律错误。
The boundary of mistake of violating the law and mistake of fact. 违法性错误与事实错误的界限。
There are some researches on the impact and solutions of the Mistake of Fact which occur in specific crime type. 而就错误问题对具体的罪名、或者一类罪名的影响以及解决,相应的研究也比较少。
Mistake of fact beyond dispute is the research focus of criminal wrong, wrong on this paper to study the foundation, then the relationship between factual errors and an accomplice is naturally the focus of this article. 事实错误无可质疑的是刑法错误论的研究重心,本文以错误论为研究基石,那么事实错误与共犯的关系自然是本文的重心。
On this basis, proposed a narrow concept and classification of factual errors, and argues that by the logic should be consistent with the statutory mistake of fact as a basic principle of treatment in order to help the work of the judicial practice. 以此为基础,提出狭义的事实错误概念和分类情况,并通过逻辑论证指出应当法定符合说作为处理事实错误的基本原则,以期对司法实践工作产生帮助。